Thursday, November 2, 2017

Dusty Boxes and Hidden Treasure

Yesterday I spent the day in the attic among the storage boxes surrounded by memories. A day of reflection and the discovery of hidden treasures. Confession, I was distracted from my original purpose of cleaning thanks to a collection of dusty boxes in the corner. Please tell me I am not the only one who when cleaning or other chores ends up down a 'rabbit trail'.

Most of the contents within the boxes had been discarded and forgotten over the years. Notes, letters, outlines, manuscripts, crumpled bits of paper, smudged, stained with fading ink. Dreams shelved or rather boxed for the future. Ideas, thoughts, events, stories recorded by hand only to rest covered in dust in the attic. The dust has been removed and the contents are currently being sorted. So now what?

There's a stirring, a calling, a rush of memories. Someday has captured my attention Today.

I am certain you have a Someday list too, as in, "Someday I will ___________ ".  Head to your attic, your thoughts, your wildest dreams and revisit the items on your Someday list. You may be surprised to learn your Someday is now Today!
© 2017 Carol Lane Fleming