Summer vacation is a time to reboot, adjust schedules, game nights, explore, day dream, journey into the unknown, escape, feast upon tasty treats, late nights and reading. A tradition for as long as I can remember, I have binged on books, reading for hours upon hours during Summer vacations. The thrill of trips to the library and carrying home stacks and stacks of books. The cozy reading spots shared with a cat or dog and an occasional horse as company as I read. No lists or mandates of what should be read just the pure pleasure of reading by choice. I've read of far away places, fantasy, the classics, romance, how-to's, historical non-fiction, poetry, travel, an entire series, biographies and.... The list goes on forever. And yes, I have a confession, there have been times I have chosen a book by it's cover. Gasp!
Summer vacations were created for binge reading. I'm headed to the library later today to collect stacks of books. I have snacks prepared and meals arranged for the reading marathon. As we all know the #1 Rule for Summer Vacation is No Cooking!
© 2018 Carol Lane Fleming
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