Thursday, November 10, 2016

Joining the American Renaissance!

Why "What Box? Living a Creative Life" and why now?

In the Beginning God Created. We as humans were created in His image, therefore, within each of us is the ability to create! We are innovative, creative, problem solvers by nature~ we can't help it, it is hard wired into our DNA. Psssssst. You are an Artist and Creative individual too!!!

Most would agree this planet we call home has a few problems. However, we all have deep within the ability when joined together to solve these issues. What has worked in the past might not work today, yet, many are afraid to try something different. Some say the world is in turmoil, these are dark and perilous times...riots, wars, unemployment, low wages, disease you shouldn't take risks, stay with the status quo, don't stir the waters. I disagree.

As a college instructor I see so many students without long range plans, without day dreams, without thoughts of the future beyond the next video game, the next lottery ticket, the next cup of coffee, the next party. Students with anxiety disorders, despondent, addictions, living in the world as presented to them by gaming, movies, media and they are void of original personal thoughts. My heart has broken seeing the great potential within yet it remains untouched.

I have for as long as I can remember been a sounding board, a listening ear, a voice of encouragement, a cheerleader, a 'mama bear' and fierce warrior defending each who enters in to my inner circle or crosses my path[sometimes, even total strangers in Walmart] well as...I am an artist, a writer, a dreamer, a creative soul, one who can't look at anything without seeing at least a dozen viable options. Combine that bundle of life above with my love of people and suddenly out pops what has been there all the time: I am a Passionate Artist,  a Consultant, Art Coach, Blogger, Teacher/Instructor helping others 'break out' and embrace their hidden creative abilities. I hear the sound of panic....take a deep breath and reread what I wrote.
Hidden creative abilities~ these can be artistic in nature but they don't have to be: Scientists are creative, Explorers are creative, Engineers are creative, Musicians are creative, Military Leaders are creative... this list goes on and on.

The American Renaissance! What is it? Americans coming together side by side, using their Creative abilities to solve the issues at hand here at home and globally. The Italian Renaissance famous for Michelangelo, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael [not the Ninja Turtles] began in Italy and circled the globe in time. Today, with social media at our fingertips, this American Renaissance will travel faster, create greater inspiration, will include many brilliant minds working together to restore, bind wounds, celebrate accomplishments while discovering new amazing solutions.

This is your invitation to join the American Renaissance!
Renaissance??? Wasn't that back in the Dark Ages, you might ask.
Simply put, Renaissance = ReBirth!
You are never to old to learn something new, to start a new career, to follow your dreams~ Are you breathing? Today is the day to let go of what has held you back.
I am here cheering you on each and every step of the way~ You've got this!!!
© 2016 Carol Lane Fleming

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