Monday, November 7, 2016

Out of the Box!

What Box? Living a Creative Life

Welcome! The journey is certain to be filled with excitement, adventure, joy and delight combined with an occasional mess, heartbreak or struggle. Embracing Creativity and escaping 'the box' takes Courage. 

Here at," What Box? Living a Creative Life", You will find Encouragement to take the steps and actions to embrace Your inner most desires. You will be challenged to Explore, Experiment, Exhausting every possibility as You Embrace and Thrive, Living a Creative Life.

Who benefits from Your Creative Life? We all do!
Every segment of the global population exists and is driven by Creativity and by Leaders willing to think "out of the box" beyond the status quo.

My story. I've held many titles in the past yet at each position my role has been best described by others as Creative, Artistic, Leader, Encourager, Nurturing. I thrive on asking questions, grasping the 'big' picture, problem solving with multiple solutions, embracing individuals while releasing them to their highest potential. I am an artist, a creative being constantly asking questions as I explore this life on planet earth.I was freed from boxes through a series of events...but this is not about me.

What Box? Living a Creative Life
I am here for You!


© 2016Carol Lane Fleming

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