Thursday, January 24, 2019

Art in the Kitchen A Starving Artist's Survival Guide A Gluten Free & Time-Saver Cook Book

A Truth about Starving Artists
by Carol Lane Fleming

Artists are peculiar people creating night and day
Forgetting when to eat or sleep.
Exploring lost in another world.

Artists are peculiar people creating night and day
Taking breaks.
Rushing off to purchase more supplies.

Artists are peculiar people creating night and day
Dreaming, working, adding more constantly.
Dreaming, working, eliminating constantly.
Starting over, starting over and starting over again.

Artists are peculiar people creating day and night.
The need to make, produce and try is strong.
There will be time to sell when the ideas no longer flow.

Artists are peculiar people creating day and night
Forgetting when to eat or sleep.
Wait. What did you say?
How is it possible to forget to eat?
The thrill of creative adventure
Silences the hunger and the growls.

Artists are peculiar people. Creating night and day.

The above poem is a comical perspective about the reality of artists and how sometimes eating food is overlooked. Starving artists some times are starving because we forget to eat!

Our creative adventures take over, they are time consuming and quite honestly, we would rather create works of art than take the few moments needed to cook, consume food or in other words, eat.

I took the much needed time away from the studio to develop recipes and create Art in the Kitchen. I experimented with a variety of time saving methods and produced solutions to meet the needs of the artist and family concerning meals.The recipes included are Gluten Free. Here's to more time in the Art Studio and to well-fed artists!

Art in the Kitchen  A Starving Artist's Survival Guide A Gluten Free & Time-Saver Cook Book is available to purchase on Amazon.
#HiddenInYourheARTArt in the Kitchen A Starving Artist's Survival Guide A Gluten Free & Time-Saver Cook Book
© 2019 Carol Lane Fleming

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