Hidden in Your heART was written for creative individuals and for those who believe they do not have any creative abilities. Every individual is a creative being. My task, through Hidden in Your heART is to assist you in the discovery of your creative voice.
You will find the encouragement needed to take the steps and activate your creative abilities. You will be challenged to explore, experiment, exhausting every possibility as you embrace and thrive living a creative life. Daily prompts and artistic challenges will assist you in your journey. Who benefits from your creative life? We all do! Every segment of the global population exists and is driven by creativity and by leaders willing to think “out of the box” beyond the status quo. Would you like to know a secret? Being creative is not the same as being an artist or even artistic. Creative individuals allow their self the freedom to explore all options, to experiment, to ask questions, to try new things that may not work. Becoming artistic or being recognized as an artist is often a benefit of being creative. Just as becoming a leading scientist, an expert in a medical field, a concert musician, a ballerina, an architect or engineer each of these leaders were willing to explore creative avenues. Creativity takes courage. Be bold. Be courageous! Experience has taught many to hide their creative thoughts, skills and talents. However, this need not be the case. Each individual has a unique creative voice, a set of creative solutions which they are destined to release. Hidden in Your heART was written to assist you in further developing your creative voice as you overcome any negative thoughts or past experiences. Creativity is not bound by the confines of an art room or studio. Creativity is the driving force behind every question, exploration, discovery or trial and error. Creative individuals are present within every segment of society. You are creative!
One of the methods I find most useful when assisting others in releasing their creative voice is by using the art of Doodling. Doodles are not 'threatening" as a form of art and allow many possibilities when developing and discovering creative skills and talents. Hundreds of creative prompts have been provided within the pages of Hidden in Your heART.
This book as well as others I have published are available on Amazon to purchase.
© 2019 Carol Lane Fleming
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