Thursday, March 14, 2019

Youth Art Month

March is Youth Art Month! An exciting time for youth to have their creative efforts acknowledged and encouraged by the communities in which they live. It is great to have dedicated an entire month for this purpose however as an artist I long for the time when everyday is Art Day! 

How will you be celebrating Youth Art Month? Need ideas?
1. Take an adventure and visit as many art galleries and museums as you can visit.
2. Purchase art supplies and invite the neighborhood children over for Art Day.
3. Donate art supplies to a local school, the art teacher will thank you!

Below is a teaser from my recently published book, Hidden in Your heART to encourage you to embrace your inner artist as you celebrate Youth Art Month.

16. Psalms 1:3 Like a tree planted by the rivers of water
     Like a tree planted by the rivers you too are receiving from those around you, you are maturing, growing and becoming a creative individual. Consider your family: are there artists or creative individuals known to you within your family tree? What about your coworkers? Who inspires you to excel? Where do you gain inspiration throughout the day? Like a tree, you have deep roots which are supplying resources of creativity. You are multifaceted, consider the limbs of the tree how they provide shelter, shade, oxygen. You also bear fruit of your labors and your creative force within stands out, you are unique in your presentation of life.


© 2019 Carol Lane Fleming

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